"Of all the versions of himself, of all the people he had been or might be, the one down at the bar was the one he felt most comfortable with...." Struggling with his past identity, while in the midst of its grip on him. What a vivid picture you paint with your words. I was pulled in with your character, from the beginning. Fine story, Tom!
A beautifully-crafted second paragraph, Tom. Very clever. And this IS the question: "Why should he miss out? What had he done wrong? ....Why was it him and him alone condemned to this lousy tomb while the world danced and drank ..." The question that really wreaks havoc on one's resolve. Great ending.
"Of all the versions of himself, of all the people he had been or might be, the one down at the bar was the one he felt most comfortable with...." Struggling with his past identity, while in the midst of its grip on him. What a vivid picture you paint with your words. I was pulled in with your character, from the beginning. Fine story, Tom!
Thanks for taking the time to read and to respond, Sharon. Your kind words are much appreciated :)
A beautifully-crafted second paragraph, Tom. Very clever. And this IS the question: "Why should he miss out? What had he done wrong? ....Why was it him and him alone condemned to this lousy tomb while the world danced and drank ..." The question that really wreaks havoc on one's resolve. Great ending.